Need web filter software


Apr 12, 2013
The company I work for is in need of web filter on their android tablets. We are using model: GT-N8013 Android Version: 4.1.1

We require that the web filter work in the default browser & Chrome. The application CAN'T be a browser it has to be just an application that filters websites and allows us to modify which sites we would like. I have searched high and low... Please help me!

Welcome to the forum Jeremy
If yuou are looking for something equivalent to the host file on PC I don't think there's one available. There are some add-ons in the Google Play Store that allows some site restrictions mostly for children, that doesn't sound like what you're looking for.
I believe for starters the company would be fine with restrictions. Basically we don't want the team members who are using these to do non work related things. Our applications only work in chrome or the default android browser which is why we can't use a web filter based on an application that uses its own web browswer... My co-worker has been searching for this for close to a week now, and with the higher ups breathing down his neck I've decided to try to help....
I don't know anything about web filtering you can use a hosts file to block the ip address works great for ads and such.