new 7" Pandigital Novel question


Feb 25, 2011
I just got my new PDN and I love it. The only thing I cant figure out is how do I use the SDHC card for storing/read books. I have downloaded books but the internal memory is just not big enough so I would like to use the SDHC card and just cant figure out how to do it. I would like to be able to put childrens book onto my PDN. Thank you !!
Hi SMZ1014,
I have the 7" Pandigital Novel Black.
I don't believe you can read books off the SDHC, atb least I haven't figured it out. If you are using the the Barnes and Noble reader you have to import them to the SHDC card in the unit, this is explained very thoroughly in the manual you can get on If you have upgraded to the Android software, you can copy the books using your computer to the device. The computer just reads it as a regular drive and you can copy and paste. Hope that helps you on your way:)
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Please note that I am using the latest firmware upgrade available on the pandigital site from 2/15/2011 however I believe that reading books from the SDHC card works the same regardless. If you create a directory on the external card called eBooks nthe B&N eReader will find any ePub or PDF books you place in that folder.

Hope that helps.

I just got my new PDN and I love it. The only thing I cant figure out is how do I use the SDHC card for storing/read books. I have downloaded books but the internal memory is just not big enough so I would like to use the SDHC card and just cant figure out how to do it. I would like to be able to put childrens book onto my PDN. Thank you !!
Please note that I am using the latest firmware upgrade available on the pandigital site from 2/15/2011 however I believe that reading books from the SDHC card works the same regardless. If you create a directory on the external card called eBooks nthe B&N eReader will find any ePub or PDF books you place in that folder.

Hope that helps.

I concur!!!!!!!
I have the 9" Pandigital Novel. I have 2G(which fills up fast!) internal and a 16Gig SDHC chip I really want to get my money out of. (Wouldn't you?)
I called customer support and the lady told me this (Steps 3-7).
I do not have a Barnes&Noble account by the way, but it still worked.
This assumes you have no additional apps or programs other than straight out of the box with "new device" smell.
I even worked to explain how to do this if you have no external computer. Otherwise the "copy-paste" is much simpler and then your steps start at 3. I do make the assumption that you have put the chip into the device, however. Haha.

1. Make a folder called "ebooks" on the SDHC chip(not inside another folder).
a. Tap "ES file folder" icon on desktop(Main window),
b. pick any folder and copy it onto the sdhc chip(the top left will say
c. Hold the styus or fingernail tip on the copy once it is made to open
"Operations" list
d. Tap "Rename" to name the folder "ebooks"

2. Move your PDFs into there.
a. Tap "ES file folder" icon on desktop(Main window),
b. Go to the folder with your PDFs in it and look at all of the pretty PDF symbols
staring back at you.
If the files are in multiple columns then skip the next alphabetical step(c).
c. At the top right of the screen should be an icon that looks like a 3x3 grid in
orange. tap it. More of your files will be visible at once.
d. Hold on one file in the left column with your stylus for and then drag the stylus
sideways to the right. This will open the white "Operations" menu with
"Select All" as an additional option. All the file names will turn orange.
e. Hold on one file until the "Operations" menu opens again and select "Cut".
While it appears nothing has happened, at the bottom is a "black rectangle
with a white triangle" holding the files in the buffer.
f. Tap on the "ebooks" folder on the SDcard to open it.
g. Tap on the "white triangle in the black rectangle" and drag the triangle up to
view all the PDFs we are moving.
h. hold on one of the files in the buffer until the Operations Menu opens to select
"Paste All" and move all the PDFs we want to read.
i. Push the round "House/Home" button outside of the screen.
It is between "<-" and "Menu"

3. Go to the B&N icon and tap it.
4. Select the vertical "My Library" on the left side.
5. When the wooden bookshelves come up, At the top there is a line that says
"Date Title Author My Library"
Do not confuse this with the "Adobe Ebooks" view which looks similar but is not helpful.
6. Select "Date" instead of "My Library" by tapping on it.
7. Select "SD Card" by tapping on it when the dropdown menu appears.
Your files should appear on the bookshelves. To go through more shelves, quickly drag the stylus either "right to left" to go further down the list or "left to right" to go up the list.

I honestly hope this helps you as much as it did me.