New Android Member! :)


Dec 26, 2011
Hi all!
My name is Jakub,I'm 13 years old and I'm from Naples,Italy.
I own an Akai Tablet model MID7020 with Os. Android 2.2
I will be Active there becouse i need help about Android in generally :p
See 'ya in the forum! :cool:
Hello Jakub, welcome to Android Tablets and congratulations on the new tablet. We're glad you decided to join us here as a member of the forum. Have fun in the forum!
Welcome Jakub, I'm Italian too (from Foggia) and I have a Mpman MP720 Tablet (my MP720 and your Akai MID702 are a Coby Kyros MID7020 replica).
Unfortunately there isn't enough (modded ROM, original firmware, ecc.) for our tablets...
Hello Jakub and Frank too, welcome to the forums and glad to have you here as members.

hey guys, new to this, just got a MP720, not much firmware about for this one, not must of anything really,

I did however find this site with links to the to original firmware from MPMAN,

using google translate haha, it seems theres two flavours of chipset for this taplet,

Hynix NAND firmware: An 2.3_Hynix.rar
Micron NAND firmware: An 2.3_Micron.rar
Flash Tool: tool and Introduction.rar

that said i have not tested these FW's and cant vouch for the safety of using them,

I'm not a developer but hopefully they could be usefull for making a cyanogenmod for it (fingers crossed haha) or some one who has bricked there tap,


I have downloaded these files so if the link becomes dead please let me know and i will send them :)
Hi flybot, congratulations on your new MP720 and welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets.
Is there anyone who has a bricked taplet who could try theres firmwares? as i have 2.2 and no sure if there safe