New Android user HELP Needed


Aug 17, 2010
Hello guys,

I’m new to this forum and android interface, and I need you help.
I purchase a Gentouch 78, and after I performed a full factory reset,
I ‘m experiencing some unusual behaviour.

1.) After factory reseat I lost all existing programs including all file management ( file explorer apps)
How do I install a file explorer app or something to be able to browse the device and install new apps?
2.) The device won’t turn OFF, I have to hold the power button, and I Only have
the option to TURN OFF totally.

I appreciate your help regarding these issues.
Thank you!
Well to get that to work you need take a paper clip and press into the reset hole again. The unit will reboot. With the power cord plugin
You also need to download Patch #1 found here
How did you loose existing applications?
2.) The device won’t turn OFF, I have to hold the power button, and I Only have
the option to TURN OFF totally.
Do you mean the screen wont turn off? Causing holding down the power button will only TURN OFF the device. Or did you just mean your SCREEN wont go off. Go into SETTINGS, SOUND AND DISPLAY, and check your SCREEN TIMEOUT settings. Although mine goes off with a quick touch of the POWER button also.

Thank you for your reply,

I'm not sure how I will be abble to install that patch, I tried and I was not succesful.
I'm using Win7 ( is that a problem?).

I will give it a try again

Thank you for you reply and I will keep you updated and I will be back with more questions.
Thank you for your reply.

What I want to explain is the fact that usualy when I Short press the Power Buton the screen will turn OFF, and the device is going in some sort of "stand by", until I will pres the Power Button again and the device wil be resuming.
Now When I press the Power Button Nothing Happens, , the Screen Time Out setting is set up at 30 sec. but the screen never turns OFF.

I'm keep presing the Power Button but the device will stay ON>

If I Press and Hold the power Button, then I got the "Tablet PC options" of Silent Mode or Power OFF... :)

I hope I was clear,

Thank you for any advice again.
Windows 7 won't cause a problem with installing the patch. I have Win7 and was able to install it by following the directions included with the update.

Since I'm a newbee in this....

What is "El Telco Loco" ?
is at the top of dropping menu at the my device...

I purcase the device from K mart and I think it's an returned Item....that 's the reason that I performed an Factory Reset and now I got in so many issues...

Thank you for your response.

Best Regards
Do you mean the screen wont turn off? Causing holding down the power button will only TURN OFF the device. Or did you just mean your SCREEN wont go off. Go into SETTINGS, SOUND AND DISPLAY, and check your SCREEN TIMEOUT settings. Although mine goes off with a quick touch of the POWER button also.


Yes you do both hold the power button in and press the reset pin hole button at the same time until you see the screen reboot.
Windows 7 won't cause a problem with installing the patch. I have Win7 and was able to install it by following the directions included with the update.

Are you using Windows 7 32-bit? Since 64-bit version of 7 didn't work with the patch update.

Since I'm a newbee in this....

What is "El Telco Loco" ?
is at the top of dropping menu at the my device...

I purcase the device from K mart and I think it's an returned Item....that 's the reason that I performed an Factory Reset and now I got in so many issues...

Thank you for your response.

Best Regards

Wasn't your box sealed with shipping tape is circler type. Was yours open? That El Telco Loco I have that too. Means The Telco Crazy

can we remove "El Telco Loco " ?....I'm totaly confuse ....why is that and what's good for ?

Appreciate your help...

Thank you !

can we remove "El Telco Loco " ?....I'm totaly confuse ....why is that and what's good for ?

Appreciate your help...

Thank you !

well remember that Augen is a company that was created in california where a majority of people speak spanish

Im not surprised if they implant spanish software coders into the gentouch production line
Help Again :)

After the seccond Factory Reset i don't have any app to browse my device or to install and "File Explorer" type app. in order to install some of the lost apps.

When I connect the device to my PC I have access to "nand" folder, I can drop files there but i do not have any option to install the apps from the device...

what the hell I'm doing wrong ?

I don't want to return it ....but I lost already 3 days...try-ing to figure-it ...

PLease help....
just open your browser on your tablet search for a apkmanager or fileexplorer app the extension will be. apk then download it and when your notification bar tells you its completed downloading click on it and select install theres a more indepth thread about it titled how to side load apps if your market wont work you might want to check that out theres a link there to an appmanager app too