New as new can be


Mar 3, 2011
Hello everyone!

My name is Kürbis. I am a sculptor in SE Washington state, USA.

I have been using a powerful and sprightly Archos 5 Internet Tablet for a couple of years, and I decided, in all my wisdom, that I haven't been taking advantage of this machines potential, and that for what I liked to do [Note taking, MP3s, presentation of pictures and video, and WiFi web surfing] I would be better off with a 7" tablet for the sake of allowing clients and friends to see my work with less squinting.

I decided on the Huawei Ideos s7 for all the reasons I mentioned and the resistive screen, as the callouses on my fingers do not work well with a capacitive screen.

What I didn't expect when I un-boxed the thing was how much I would hate the stock UI. I started skulking around the forums to find solutions. I really just want to delete some of the intrusive widgets on the desktop, get rid of some of the programs I will never use, and make it so I can watch Hulu in the tub.

I have noticed some part of the information included by well-received posters and I will do my best to imitate.

My s7 is currently running Android 2.1, standard radio, standard clock. Rooted, not modded

I have already gone on longer than all of the posts I have read, so I will stop here.

I will reply to my own thread, and everyone who responds to get to the nut of what I am trying to do.

Thanks in advance,

First, welcome. Second, we have finally gotten a dev here that has cracked the S7 OS, so new builds should be coming (that opens the door for things like Hulu, Flash, etc). Third, in the interim, I would recommend getting something like either ADW.Launcher or Launcher Pro from the market. This will let you not only dump the UI that you see, but will give you a lot more control over what widgets you have, etc. Then, once the new ROMs are fully cooked and there is good documentation you can flash the device.