New ASUS MeMO Pad HD 7 - Part 1 and Part 2? (cannot update system)


Jan 6, 2014
Part 1
Ok - Purchased a MeMO Pad HD 7 on 1/3/2014 (my first Android device). Day 2, after having a bit of time to look around, and download a few apps from Google Play, I discover that there is a system software update available (from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2). So I tap the tab to download, then again when it finished downloading - Pad reboots, shows Android animated "Updating"... for a few seconds, then what I describe as a dead Android (laid down) with "Failed!".


After a few minutes, the pad would reboot back to where it had been before as if nothing ever happened. After multiple attempts, I contacted ASUS tech support (chat). Was given instructions and link - link was to download the correct software, instructions simply said to download the software on a computer, extract the contents to microSD, insert that card in the MeMO and wait for the notification... Well - nothing ever happened. I tried several times, even multiple "erase/factory resets". Nothing helped - device recognized the microSD card, I could move files, etc.. but the device never even attempted to install anything from the card.

Yesterday, I spent about an hour with ASUS tech support again just to step-by-step confirm I had done it exactly correctly. Indeed, they confirmed I had done it according to directions and said I should set up an RMA and send it in for them to "service". They also suggested, since it was still new, I could also contact the retailer about sending it back to them. I did the latter... it went off via UPS today with RMA and a promise of a quick refund.

Part 2
Picked up another of the same model more locally (first retailer had raised price by $10). Charged it until it was fully charged. Booted for first time, went through the preliminary set-up procedure. Allowed the pad to do all the app updates, then I went through system settings to check for software update (this device still is at v. 4.2.1). For nearly an hour, I received:

"Internet connection error or the server is busy. Please wait a moment and try again."

This continued until just a few minutes ago - now the message is different:
"Failed to download the file. Please wait for a moment and try again."

So I got message about a half dozen times... and now its back to the first - "Internet connection error or server busy"...

I sure hope I didn't get another dud. Maybe ASUS servers are getting hammered with an update for another product?
Welcome to the forum

You may not want to here this but I;m not all that cvertain the first one was a dud, despite what ASUS said. You sometimes need to wait as long as 24 hours between times of checking for updates. Your problem may now be and may have been your WiFi connection. I would find a friend's WiFi or a public hotspot to try it again. If it works somewhere else we can work on figuring out what to do about your local WiFi that will make it work more reliably with your Android Tablet.
I'm pretty sure #1 was indeed, a dud. I had the exact same problem when I used the wifi at my office (Pad #1). The file downloads just fine - it is just the update that fails to install. As the pic above shows - apparently there was a corrupt file that caused the update to not install (which mirrors what ASUS tech support said.). Even following the somewhat simple instructions for manually updating failed completely - but in that case - it was because the pad didn't recognize the update file at all - and didn't even attempt to install it.

Now - that being said, my new MeMO (#2) finally made contact with the "home planet" (via my same home wifi) today and downloaded update, and installed without a single issue. It then found a second update, which also updated without a hiccup. Device #2 is now humming along with the latest OEM system software. The problem with #2 was obviously just busy/slow ASUS servers.

I've posted my woes on a few different android-centric boards, including a fairly tech-intensive site and the consensus was that there was likely a problem that could only be addressed by ASUS (probably a hosed file of some sort).

How many of these devices rolled off the assembly line? How many of those were individually tested? Further - would such a file corruption issue show up in any routine testing of those small handful that are tested?

Considering #2 is not working fine - I believe it confirms the suspicions about MeMO #1.

But thanks for posting a reply to try to help/be constructive. Had I had the same exact issue with #2, I would have been inclined to think along the same as you...
That corrupt file may have been bad cache, a bad app a bad download or any number of other things. But glad your new one is working well. The vast majority of MeMo owners have had no problems with updating.