New Chart Comparing Detailed Specs of New Samsung Galaxy Tabs to iPad2


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

Here's a cool chart showing off a detailed comparison of the new Samsung Galaxy Tablets, the 10.1 and the 8.9, to the Apple iPad2. The highlights are that the new Android tabs from Samsung are thinner, lighter, have more powerful cameras, and higher resolution screens. They also happen to have Honeycomb, and are competitively priced.

It looks like Samsung really stepped up their game. The original Galaxy Tab seemed more like a toy, but these seem poised to fight. Would you reconsider a Samsung Tablet now?

Source: PhoneArena
It probably means Samsung kept their best parts for themselves :D
Definitely, Samsung prepared very attractive and competitive device. I hope then will be enough competitive with iPad software then today. Let's face it... iPhone/iPad has more quality applications than Android flagman Nexus S can have.
Why only 512 Ram? Surely making it 1ghz doesn't make that much more expensive, and I am sure it will attract more of the would be XOOM buyers like myself.

I think this is close to my ideal tablet, I just need some more RAM now.
Great specs, top-of-line components, all great. But I'm with Gobledygook: The apps make the market share, not the hardware.