New girl on the tablet block


May 28, 2012
Hi everyone I'm new on this site and not a whizz at tech stuff and would love a bit of help pretty please :), just bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 and my first issue so far is:- my tablet is set up on my wifi with my computer and I run Trend Security on the computer and since I have downloaded some apps on the tablet Trend keeps finding heaps of threats on my computer (its worrying me). How is this happening (does info go through my computer first then to my tablet?) :confused:
Hi Ssmiley, welcome to Android Tablets. Nice to have you as a member of the forum and congratulations on your new Galaxy Tab 7.7. No worries as far as anything getting from the computer to the tablet via the WiFi connection. Your wireless router is handling the two separately. If you cable the two together or swap something like an SDcard between them or install an app that allows you to connect the tablet to the PC, you could transfer something on the PC to your tablet. Even then, it's not likely that anything infecting your PC would pose a threat to the tablet.