New guy not that bright need a bit of direction

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Apr 7, 2011
New to the tablet world with my new toy a viewsonic G-Tab 10"

So far so good with a few issues. The bluetooth problem I believe I have sorted using the search function :D

The one that is killing me so far is a audio file playing problem. I listen to audio books that I download from my library. They are downloaded through overdrive media and are Windows Media Audio file (.wma) and it doesn't recognize them at all. I'm assuming I need a different media player than the factory one. I figure they are protected in some form as it won't even show the files as being there in the music folder. Hook it to the laptop and they are there though.

So if it's needing a new media player does someone have recommendations for what might work best? Or is a settings issue that I need to fool with. I'm new to android and tablets as a whole so be gentle or very descriptive if it's stuff I need to modify.

thanks in advance
I don't think that you would be able to play the protected audio books on your tablet. What I would do is go to radio shack for the like and get a male to male 3.5 inch headphone cord (or just solder two broken headphone cords together if you know how). Plug in the cord to your headphone and microphone jack. Download audacity for your pc Audacity: Download install it, and click the record button then start to play your audio book. Let it play through and then click the export as WAV file. There you go. Unprotected audio book. If you want I can post screen shots. Let me know if something is unclear or if something confuses you.
Hmmm if that's the only way then I guess this is going back to the store. I figured they could play the same stuff my samsung mp3 player could.

Thanks for the help though.
Looks like the Overdrive player for Android handles MP3s, but not WMAs:

OverDrive – OverDrive Media Console

Another option here would be try try and visit the library's website from an Android device and see if it downloads the files as MP3s. Those should play no problem on the gTab.


Tried downloading another book to it directly last night and no dice. It won't even recognize the files as being there. It's to bad it's a fun little tablet that looked like it would do everything I was looking for but not being able to play those files is a deal breaker for me.
try going to the web market before you take it back.. do a search for wma players... there are SEVERAL that say they can... i've used LUKLUK player to play wma files not sure about the protected files... worth a shot...
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