New here.


Aug 20, 2011
Hi guys.

Just joined up. I've been android phone user for 12 months but now with 3 months using my Asus transformer i am really happy. I love the way keyboard charges the tablet even when it's not connected to the mains. I have a tuff-luv case which i can leave on when it is docked with the keyboard.
Favorite apps : evernote, dropbox, locus promaps splashtop.
welcome to wild adventure known as android

Hi guys.

Just joined up. I've been android phone user for 12 months but now with 3 months using my Asus transformer i am really happy. I love the way keyboard charges the tablet even when it's not connected to the mains. I have a tuff-luv case which i can leave on when it is docked with the keyboard.
Favorite apps : evernote, dropbox, locus promaps splashtop.
Welcome to the forum transfan. Glad to have you with us.