New Kyros Mid7015-4G with touch screen problem


Senior Member
Jan 21, 2011
The touch screen on my new Mid7015-4G is way off even after calibrating many times. It is almost impossible to enter any data into a field with the virtual keyboard because no matter what key you push it will put another character in the box and sometimes multiple other characters from all the way across the keyboard. The desktop is the same way, you tap a icon for the browser and it opens up another app if it will open at all. I'm totally frustrated with it. I thought that the firmware might be corrupt and I could reload it, but it is a brand new update from Coby, (Build number MID7015 1.6a_20101129-1), and there is no way to get a copy of the firmware to re flash it. I will admit that I'm new to the Android platform, but I'm hardly new to computing, been in the business since the early 80s and this is just crazy. I would have liked to root this, but don't know if I should with this new firmware and crazy behavior. Does anybody have any ideas before I return it?
They only thing I can think of at this moment is to push the RESET button on the back for a complete boot.
Looks like you have the newest not released firmware update.
you could try using adb to delete the calibration settings and retry the calibration. or, you could ask someone to send you a nandroid dump of their device (old or new firmware).
They only thing I can think of at this moment is to push the RESET button on the back for a complete boot.
Looks like you have the newest not released firmware update.

Do you do this with the tablet on or off? BTW, thank you both for replying so quick.
reset is for when the tablet is on. power is for when it's off. ;)
reset is for when the tablet is on. power is for when it's off. ;)

Okay, I reset it and it did work good for a few minutes then started to go crazy again only slower so I set back to factory settings and tried opening a few apps. Even after calibrating it you still have to tap to the left of all the icons to get a app to load and the keyboard takes so long to type a single word right that it is unusable. I really like the hardware but the firmware is just is too buggy. I will be taking it back to Radio Shack. The Radio Shack in my town stocks the PanDigital tablet for $139.95. What does everyone think of this device? Sorry, I don't know the model number.
If your looking at the black 7" pandigital, thats a Ereader that runs on Android 1.5 ... I would just return the coby for a new one. I had the pandigital and when the glass cracked from a 5" drop , I am happy I did. If you do not want/like the coby then spend a little more and get the NOOKcolor...
If your looking at the black 7" pandigital, thats a Ereader that runs on Android 1.5 ... I would just return the coby for a new one. I had the pandigital and when the glass cracked from a 5" drop , I am happy I did. If you do not want/like the coby then spend a little more and get the NOOKcolor...

Thanks, I think that's exactly what I'm going to do, although I really liked the touch and feel of the 7015. It's a shame it just didn't work out of the box.