New Linsay Tablet owner


Feb 13, 2013
Got a Linsay f-10 HD for Christmas.
wasn't expecting much for the price, just wanted something to read my books on, play some games, and basically a portable picture viewer to show off pics of my grandkids.

Unfortunately I am no stuck in an endless loop.
It either stays on the Linsay boot screen, or goes to the cute little android man.

Was thinking about rooting it, but I can not find any information on this device what so ever.
There are no updates, can not find any Rom's.

I was thinking of going to one of the easy root sites, that you pay 30 bucks for lifetime membership, but a little leary, not sure how legit it is.

From the research that I have been doing, Rooting is not an easy process.
Anybody have any experience with these sites.

Thank for having me.

Hi Thenewmona, congratulations on your Linsay tablet and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you as a member of Android Tablets. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you get out of that loop. Good luck!
Hi Thenewmona, congratulations on your Linsay tablet and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you as a member of Android Tablets. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you get out of that loop. Good luck!

Hi Spider... Wondered if you've received an posts about this issue with my Linsay F-10 HD... Tablet doesnt recognize the 16 Gig SD card i've installed.. It still loads everything to the internal.. even if you choose 'move to SD' in app settings. I've seen forum posts about it but have yet to see a fix. Internal storage is not adequate so I'd love to use the space on the Sd card. Would love any info you might have.
Tablet doesnt recognize the 16 Gig SD card i've installed.. It still loads everything to the internal

The intent of the SD card was/is to hold "your stuff". (MP3's, PDF's, Epubs, Doc's, Videos, Movies etc.) Apps were/are intended to be located in tablet storage, that's why they load there. Some apps and/or their data can be moved to the SD, but from what I understand that only works for some versions of Android and some apps. If you can't get it to work, try to move as much of "your stuff" as you can to that SD card.