New Memeber, New Android User


Jun 19, 2011
Hi the site!

Sorry I just dove right in, with no intro, but that's me when I get a new toy.

I finally entered the Android realm a few weeks ago with the purchase of a low-end, cheapo tablet (so I've since been informed) by Sylvania, and have buried myself in the OS and apps since.

I was very glad to have found this site early really made getting to know Android a lot easier. During this time, I've rooted/configured the device, installed/configured/backed up all the apps, wrote instructions on how to do all that (and shared, natch) and made my own USB cable for future flashing purposes (it works...but haven't flashed yet)...I guess you could say I've been busy.

Anyway, I hope to keep learning from you fine folks here, and once I learn enough hopefully I'll be able to help.
Glad you're enjoying yourself and congratulations on all you've accomplished. Sounds like you've been very busy lately.