New MID tablet user perplexed


Feb 11, 2012
Just bought one of the cheap Chinese tablets! After being a widows user for many years I find this tablet, or the Android os very confusing. My first question is....How the heck do you use the in built camera! Ok, I get it in operating mode, how do you know what you are looking at, there is no view finder, and nothing to press to take the photograph, unless of course you press the icon on the screen to and then take a picture of you thumb or finger. No doubt I willbe posting several questions in due course. Is there anywhere I can get an operating manual, the supplied one is not very helpful. Anniesboy68 [Now 78 yrs] PS the tablet is MID 7207 with Android 2.3.3. [Could be a MID 8650] Anyway is the operation i'm concerend about. Can any experienced user help please?
I am sure you would get more reponses if you told what model your Tablet is.

You can download the "official" Android user manual here: Android 2.3 - Google Mobile Help

It also took me a little time to get use to the Android user interface, but when you first get the hang of it you will find it quiet easy.
Thanks, Tanzanite and Jimbo 7630. Have dowloaded both and will peruse. Incidently, I did put the Model No in the first post, a MID 7206, or does that not seem right somehow?