New Nook Colour User from the UK


Jan 31, 2011
Hi guys,

So I have long been viewing my cbr and cbz files (comic books) on my iphone, however the screen is obviously not ideal and the thought of an e-reader was appealing. After some research I decided that the Nook Colour (Color for you yanks ;) ) was the way to go, so I ordered from here:

PurelyGadgets: NOOK Color

Just wondered what to do when I first get it, I'm looking to install ACV with the softkeys app ultimately (I read this was a great config for reading cbr's...I hope?), everything else being a bonus.

I have flashed my psp continuously over the years so am not that concerned about the technical side, just wanted to know should I go straight for the root? What firmware would you expect a newly ordered one (albeit probably was in storage for some time) to have? As i'm in the UK should I sign up to B&N etc?

I have had a look around the various threads etc, however as I don't want to make any errors in the process I do things I would really appreciate some pointers in this thread....

Thanks very much for taking the time to read this!
I would root, it opens up many possibilities for the Nook Color. If you have any questions or problems you can ask us. Soft keys comes with Root. The newly bought device should have 1.0 on it. First thing you want to do is check out this thread:

Rooting info (these are abbreviated steps):
-Register with Barnes and Noble
-Make sure you have a Google Gmail account
-Sideload the 1.0.1 update on to unrooted Nook (not the 1.1.0 update, there is no rooting method yet for this latest update)
-Root using the Autonooter for 1.0.1
-Get your device setup. If you are familiar with android you should be use to this. Download a home replacement launcher, etc.
-Install Clockwork Recovery
-Make a backup with Clockwork Recovery.
...Then you can do more from there if you want.
Cheers for the reply Stelv, hopefully should be here by Thursday so will be right on that thread and your pointers as soon as i can!

Already have a gmail so that's worked out well. Looking forward to messing about with this thing!
Its a really nice device and even better once rooted! You'll enjoy it.