New owner of A500 tablet


May 16, 2011
Hello! I just got my tablet over the weekend and loving it. The only issue I have with it is not being able to connect to the proxy server at work. Any help with this would be great! :cool:
Something about android doesn't let either of us do that. I can't get on wifi that has to have a log in. I think it is built into the firmware. Maybe they will fix it in 3.1
Welcome. Honeycomb can't see ad hoc networks without being rooted and hacked.
uplade3, I can connect to wifi that needs a log in. My home wireless network and work wifi are both id/password protected. You have to enter the id and password on the settings screen. Go to settings -> wifi and networks -> click on the found network that you need and it should give up a pop up to enter in id and password. Then it is saved. I hope this helps.
Thanks! For some reason that doesn't work for me.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk! Eat that Apple!