New stupid software update is very RAM hungry and causing battery problems on Tab Pro 8.4


Feb 6, 2014
I just downloaded and installed the new software update(stability) 2 weeks ago on my Tab Pro 8.4.

But since then i have been having big drops about 20%% in battery on stand by time over night plus clearing the RAM and boost the battery life with Battery Doctor.

Before the software update over night it only dropped from 2 to 5% on stand by time Every time.
This should NOT happen and i NEVER had this problem before the new software update.

And the battery life does not last as long now. It use to last 7 hours on sceen time but now it only last 4/5 hours on sceen time. :(

And i think the new software update is very RAM hungry because the RAM booster(Memory booster lite) does not boost the RAM as much no more now it is always under 15/18% with under 300MB free that is not alot of free RAM before the software update i use to have over 25/30% with over 600/800MB of RAM free and that is alot of free RAM left.

Because of only under 300MB free out of 2GB of RAM since the Software update the apps/games are not loading up as quickly anymore and the home sceens keeps on reloading when i go out of a app sometimes and the web pages reloading more often Now.

Does anyone having this problems that i am having since the new software update? Can anyone know how to fix the battery not losing about 20% on stand by time over night and how to get the RAM back to normal like over 25/30% with over 600MB/800MB free left?

The good thing about the software update it has fixed the charging issue i had each time i charge the battery it always goes back up to 100% every time without stopping at 35, 78, 95%.:)

WOW!!! And just by writing this for about 15/20 minutes the battery already lost nearly 15% from 40 to 26% That is just stupid, unbelievable!!!!!

Why Samsung even released this very stupid RAM hungry Software update that causes major big drop downs on standby time on battery, this is ridiculous!!

Really hope Samsung release another Software update to fix these stupid problems!

How do i install the previous software update without doing a factory reset.

Please tell me i am not the only one who is having these problems since the new software update..... :/
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The first thing I would do is dump the memory booster app. Then install Gsam batter monitor and study what is actually going on that you can't necessarily see. Often with issues of sudden battery drain after an update 2 things are ;likely to have happened. You may not have realized that the system was not entirely stable before the update and the update exacerbated the problem,k usually due to dirty cache. The second part is that some settings in some apps may have changed, especially with Widgets and other stock apps.

The ultimate fix for problems like that, especially the dirty cache is tough, factory reset. But you could also try a good cache cleaner or clean the cache of the apps using the processor time that you find in Gsam that are busting the battery. The battery drain problem doesn't have anything to do with the RAM use. Look elsewhere.

Bad news!! The charging issue haven't been fixed after all because tonight i charged my Tab Pro 8.4 from 3% and it only got up to 95%. :(

I thought the charging issue was FIXED turns outs it is NOT, I am disappointed in this And getting fed up about this!!!!

If this don't get sorted then i might as well get the Ipad air 2 then because Ipads never have these problems and they are so more reliable than Android tablets........
I am sorry you are having issues but your Samsung makes very reliable tablets. Some Internet searches will take you to plenty of places complaining about iPad failures. Any tablet can fail.In fact I have one customer in particular who seems to have had a string of bad luck with his iPads, 3 in 2 years.
Another UPDATE:

I left my Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 on standby over night with boosting the RAM, closing apps and the battery life and turned off wifi, bluetooth, GPS, etc.

And it lose 15% charge on standby over night from 100% to 85. this should not be happening
I think it is the software update that is very RAM hungry that is affecting the battery life very badly :C

Anyway i just hope when i send it back to Samsung they will fix the problems that i'm having or replace it with a new one.

The bad thing if Samsung replace it with a new one i am going to lose all my games progress, i have got really got far into those games and i have nearly finished them.

if they unable to fix it then i be ditching Samsung saying BYE BYE Samsung and HELLO Apple only for the Ipad air 2!
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Your post reads like an IPad wannabe, so stop complaining just get an IPad.

sent from my kingSing T1 via taptalk
Ok in the last week i did unistalled the RAM Booster(Memory Booster Lite) and kept the cleaner(Clean Master, CCleaner, Advanced Mobile Care) apps and installed a different Battery doctor/booster(DU Battery Saver).

It seems now every night(especially last night) my Tab Pro 8.4 keeps on losing 20 to 30% charge on stand by over night after clearing all the RAM and boosting the battery life like last night it was charged fully to 100% left it on stand by over night and in the morning it lose 30% charge from 100 to 70% that is ridiculous.!

And i think the charging issue it is working again it keeps going up to 100% everytime without getting stuck around anywhere(20%, 56%, 80%, 95%)

The battery life is worse than ever before the software update i was getting 6/7 hours of sceen time and now i am only getting 3/4 hours the most on sceen time.

The RAM issue is stil bad now without RAM Boosters i am still getting under free 200MB/400MB left now that means the web pages are reloading more often and the apps are keep reloading and games/apps opening up more slow.

It seems the Clean Master ram booster showing incorrect(maybe) RAM usage because someone on another forum said go on settings-app manager-running and to check the RAM because it will be higher than it actually is and i checked the RAM usage in the settings and RAM was around free 500MB left and the Clean Master RAM booster says free 200/300MB left and the person was right.

Ok why does it say the RAM is higher in the settings and the Clean Master RAM Booster/other RAM Boosters says it is only free 200MB/400MB left after i installed the new software update?

I think because for the battery life losing alot of charge on stand by ridiculously and bad battery life(3/4 hours of sceen time) and the RAM issue.

I am going to risk it for a biscuit and factory reset it and hopefully it will fix the issues i am having and get back to normal like it was before the software update.

But i am not going to factory reset it just yet(in the next day or 2 i will) because i want to know what are your thoughts about this? What do you think? What would you do?
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You need to put your detective hat on and get to the root of what's running in the background that's eating the battery. I suggest there is a logical reason, you just haven't found it yet. Something must be syncing, and you don't know it.

Another possible problem is a bad WiFi connection. Any device struggling with WiFi will consume a lot of battery. Try going into airplane mode overnight to see what happens.

With that said, a factory reset is probably going to work. It's quick but moderately painful.
My questions or android tablets are I grouped some of my names together in my text pkgs and now my text are going all over the place to my son, my do I change this on my iPad thank you Diana
How to find what is draining the battery life so fast and how to stop it? because in the last few days it has been losing over 20 to 40% over night with the wifi, bluetooth, GPS off and the RAM being cleared..

For a couple days the battery life will be fine on standby over night only lose about 2 to 6% charge and then it happens again the battery will drain to 0% so fast or lose over 20 to 40% over night with the wifi, bluetooth, GPS and the RAM being cleared for a couple days and after it will only lose 2 to 6% over night of battery life on standby and then after the same thing(lose 20 to 40% of battery life on standby over night) will happen all over again for a couple days...

If i don't find what is draining battery life so fast and fix it then i am going to bite the bullet for real this time and factory reset it and get it back to normal like it was before i installed the stupid and very RAM hungry software update.....

Or should i wait till when(if ever) Samsung release another software update in the future or maybe wait for Android Lollipop to arrive on my Tab Pro 8.4 in the next year but i am not too sure i can wait for that long tho.........
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Install Gsam Battery Monitor. It will tell you exactly what's using your battery. Check before going to bed and first thing in the morning.
Install Gsam Battery Monitor. It will tell you exactly what's using your battery. Check before going to bed and first thing in the morning.

Installed GSam battery monitor and for the 1st time in a couple days after i charged it to 100% last time then watched some videos and it was around 95% and then i left it on standby overnight and this morning it lose charge 95% to 60%. With the wifi, bluetooth, GPS of and the RAM Being cleared.

And this morning i checked the what apps are draining the battery overnight on GSam Battery monitor and there's was NO APPS that was draining the battery it was the android system was draining 62.2% out of 73% (the rest was Android media/ Google services)of the battery. :/

I just found out i can't do anything about it as i can't force stop Android system, Google services more because some more things might go wrong on my Tab Pro 8.4

I am going say it again Samsung should of NOT released this stupid and very RAM software update.

Am i the only one who has having these problems on my Tab Pro 8.4 since the software update?

It seems factory resetting it is starting to be a good idea now and the ONLY OPTION fix to the RAM issues and battery life problems that i am having and to get it back to normal before the software update.......
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Installed GSam battery monitor and for the 1st time in a couple days after i charged it to 100% last time then watched some videos and it was around 95% and then i left it on standby overnight and this morning it lose charge 95% to 60%. With the wifi, bluetooth, GPS of and the RAM Being cleared.

And this morning i checked the what apps are draining the battery overnight on GSam Battery monitor and there's was NO APPS that was draining the battery it was the android system was draining 62.2% out of 73% (the rest was Android media/ Google services)of the battery. :/

I just found out i can't do anything about it as i can't force stop Android system, Google services more because some more things might go wrong on my Tab Pro 8.4

I am going say it again Samsung should of NOT released this stupid and very RAM software update.

Am i the only one who has having these problems on my Tab Pro 8.4 since the software update?

It seems factory resetting it is starting to be a good idea now and the ONLY OPTION fix to the RAM issues and battery life problems that i am having and to get it back to normal before the software update.......

Maybe not the only one, but pretty close. Having the Android system use a lot of battery is not unusual by itself but the amount yours is using is very high. A common reason for high battery use is that the system was not 100% stable prior to the update, possibly some corrupted cache. I feel that if you want to totally solve the problem a factory reset may be your best bet. Try not to install any supposed RAM boosters or task killers as they can actually cause other problems,
Installed GSam battery monitor and for the 1st time in a couple days after i charged it to 100% last time then watched some videos and it was around 95% and then i left it on standby overnight and this morning it lose charge 95% to 60%. With the wifi, bluetooth, GPS of and the RAM Being cleared.

And this morning i checked the what apps are draining the battery overnight on GSam Battery monitor and there's was NO APPS that was draining the battery it was the android system was draining 62.2% out of 73% (the rest was Android media/ Google services)of the battery. :/

I just found out i can't do anything about it as i can't force stop Android system, Google services more because some more things might go wrong on my Tab Pro 8.4

I am going say it again Samsung should of NOT released this stupid and very RAM software update.

Am i the only one who has having these problems on my Tab Pro 8.4 since the software update?

It seems factory resetting it is starting to be a good idea now and the ONLY OPTION fix to the RAM issues and battery life problems that i am having and to get it back to normal before the software update.......

i have the same problem, and guess what , factory reset didn't solve it.