New tablet and new to tablets and need help


Apr 6, 2012

I just bought a Google Android tablet on ebay. The model # is P001 RTL8188-20111206 when I look at "about" in the settings on the tablet. The Android version is 2.3.3. There wasn't a decent user manual with the device. I got a little tiny book titled user's manual but it isn't much at all. I'd expect something with pictures showing locations of different buttons, connectors, etc. Not to mention connecting to networks via ENet or wifi. I've contacted the ebay seller but don't know how much help they will be. I'd download a manual if I knew where to get it.

Needless to say I'm going to need a lot of help, most of which should be in a manual. I was on the Inet this morning. Then the battery got low so I plugged it in but now it doesn't connect to my router. I try turning wifi on and it gives me an "error". I'm hoping it's because the battery is low but I'll be surprised if that is the problem.

Thanks for any help.

Hello Jack, welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. To get started, I'd suggest you click this link to the Android Tablet Q&A section. Read the "Sticky:" threads at the beginning for some good general information about tablets and Android. There's also a user manual here: that you might find helpful. It's not specifically for your tablet, but it's free and has some good general information you might find useful. If you still need help after looking through that, the Android Tablet Q&A section would be the place to ask any questions you still have. Enjoy your new tablet and the forum.:eek:
Thanks for the help Spider. I'll give the manual a try.

Is there a way to "reset" the tablet to factory defaults?

I was having trouble at first using wifi to connect to my router. Finally I reset the factory defaults on the router and the tablet connected fine. When I was having problems I was getting a good or excellent connection but the tablet would scan, connect then come back with Disconnected, then repeat. Now when I press the Wi-Fi button it says Turning on... for about 2 seconds then displays Error. I can't open the Wi-Fi settings either. There are no networks listed like there was when it was working. I'm concerned I have a hardware problem instead of a configuration issue. Any ideas?

On my tablets, there's an option in the "Setting" menu of the tablet for doing a reset. If there isn't one for your tablet, post a question in the Android Tablet Q&A to see if anyone knows how to do it.