New to Android 2.3 Tablet


Mar 21, 2012
Hello everyone,

I am new to the Android Tablet world and am trying to get up to speed as quick as possible. When I plug my tablet in to my Windows 7 workstation I get a device item in device manager that shows as "Android for Vortex". I haven't had any luck finding any desktop software or driver download package for this device. Here's a list of the spec's on my tablet from the About Device menu within the device.

Model number: MID
Android version: 2.3
Baseband version: Unknown
Kernel version: root@zjd #131
Build number: MID-userdebug 2.3 GRH55 eng.root.20111101.163723 test-keys

It came in a box labelled "Tablet PC". It was ordered through from Fabuless products. I'm assuming its a cheap Chinese brand tablet, but would still like to find some software or drivers if possible.

Thank you,

Hello Ryan, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to become a member of Android Tablets. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you find the software you're looking for. Good luck!
I managed to buy a cheap Chinese one under the same 'name' - Tablet PC.
When delivered found out it is Epad MX1014.

Wifi gets disconnected in a second. Message - Not in range. Secured by WPA/WPA2 PSK. It is sitting right next to the wi-fi modem, so the signal is of excellent quality. Everything in the house hooks to wifi no problem. How to fix that?

Thanks, Anna
I'm guessing here, but could be lousy location of the WIFI antenna,or maybe a bad antenna? I took apart my pdl planet as per another forum moved the antenna
to a better spot in the unit and it fixed 2 things antenna range and screen performance! Now, make sure you look into this before
attempting anything or your tab could be bricked! very easy to do when open lol! just guessing here but double check all settings etc...
usually it's something simple that is the problem good luck!