New to Android -- have a couple of questions


Dec 15, 2011
I just purchased an Xyboard 8.2 and, being new to the Android operating system, I have a couple of questions that I hope someone here can help with. By the way, I'm having a hardware problem with the tablet, so I don't have it operating at the moment, but that's another matter entirely. :)

Volume control: Is there a way to control volume on the tablet other than using the rocker switch on the back of the device? I don't see a software controller on the screen (like on iOS devices), whether playing a music file or video file.

Backup data to PC or Mac: Is there host software that I can load on a PC so that I can backup my Xyboard on my PC or Mac? I'm reluctant to buy software and spend time customizing the tablet without knowing that it's backed up and restorable if there's a failure of some sort. Again, the iOS devices allow me to do this using iTunes.

Music management: What's the best way to create playlist on a PC and use these playlist to transfer music to the tablet? (Sorry, but again like with iTunes and iOS devices?)

Converting iTunes videos to unprotected files playable on Droid: I tried using Tubebite to strip DRM from the videos I purchased on iTunes, but there's an annoying sound vs. video sync problem that makes the videos unwatchable. I have a very fast computer, so I don't think it's a PC problem, although perhaps I'm wrong. Doesn't anyone have any other suggestions of software that I can try?
Sound volume can be controlled by Settings->Sound - you can add a widget to your desktop to create a shortcut for this if you want

Data backup can be done a lot of ways, Motorola does offer a service that includes software or there are accounts that can be created that will back your data up to a networked site. By default your mail, contacts, pictures music and calendar are back up to google's servers.

There are several different apps that can be used for this. For free ones, take a look at google music ( and amazon's mp3 cloud options.

There are also several different apps for converting video, this is the one place that I will say pay for the app. The free ones just don't do a great job and the commerical apps available in the market or other sources are excellent.

Cheers, and congrats on your new tablet!

You can use double twist... really good app for media sync...
I have been using it on my android phone for almost 1 year... also it lets you sync over wifi...
It also sync with your windows media player or iTunes ... and import playlists and all music.. and you can choose which one to sync
give it a try...

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