I just purchased an Xyboard 8.2 and, being new to the Android operating system, I have a couple of questions that I hope someone here can help with. By the way, I'm having a hardware problem with the tablet, so I don't have it operating at the moment, but that's another matter entirely. 
Volume control: Is there a way to control volume on the tablet other than using the rocker switch on the back of the device? I don't see a software controller on the screen (like on iOS devices), whether playing a music file or video file.
Backup data to PC or Mac: Is there host software that I can load on a PC so that I can backup my Xyboard on my PC or Mac? I'm reluctant to buy software and spend time customizing the tablet without knowing that it's backed up and restorable if there's a failure of some sort. Again, the iOS devices allow me to do this using iTunes.
Music management: What's the best way to create playlist on a PC and use these playlist to transfer music to the tablet? (Sorry, but again like with iTunes and iOS devices?)
Converting iTunes videos to unprotected files playable on Droid: I tried using Tubebite to strip DRM from the videos I purchased on iTunes, but there's an annoying sound vs. video sync problem that makes the videos unwatchable. I have a very fast computer, so I don't think it's a PC problem, although perhaps I'm wrong. Doesn't anyone have any other suggestions of software that I can try?
Volume control: Is there a way to control volume on the tablet other than using the rocker switch on the back of the device? I don't see a software controller on the screen (like on iOS devices), whether playing a music file or video file.
Backup data to PC or Mac: Is there host software that I can load on a PC so that I can backup my Xyboard on my PC or Mac? I'm reluctant to buy software and spend time customizing the tablet without knowing that it's backed up and restorable if there's a failure of some sort. Again, the iOS devices allow me to do this using iTunes.
Music management: What's the best way to create playlist on a PC and use these playlist to transfer music to the tablet? (Sorry, but again like with iTunes and iOS devices?)
Converting iTunes videos to unprotected files playable on Droid: I tried using Tubebite to strip DRM from the videos I purchased on iTunes, but there's an annoying sound vs. video sync problem that makes the videos unwatchable. I have a very fast computer, so I don't think it's a PC problem, although perhaps I'm wrong. Doesn't anyone have any other suggestions of software that I can try?