New To Forum: Needing Assistance


Feb 19, 2013
Hey, I'm new to the sight~hoping to get some insight on how to operate my son's tablet. I need assistance with fixing the Parsar error being received along with how to download the Android Antivirus software from the library.
Hi Judy, welcome to the forum. Nice to have you as a member of Android Tablets. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!
Hey, I'm new to the sight

Welcome to the forum
Great to have you with us :)

~hoping to get some insight on how to operate my son's tablet.

For your specific device, so sorry I dont have any idea.
In Android general guide, tips and tricks, Take a look at > here <

I need assistance with fixing the Parsar error being received along with how to download the Android Antivirus software from the library.

Usually a parsing error means the app didnt fully download, or compatible issue or you are trying to install a corrupted app.

Similar discussion > here <

For general about anti virus, take a look > here <

Good Luck
Welcome to the community. I hope you will find your answer if you post such issue under Android Tablet Q&A section