New to site and tablets...Needing advice on a model to purchase...


Sep 2, 2011
Hello everyone. I joined up just a moment ago in hopes some people in this online community could lend me a hand. Recently I purchased myself a hp touchpad, and its my first hands on experience with a touchscreen and tablet of any kind. Im enjoying it so far since it helps on the days Im more or less restricted to bed because of health issues. Of course now I have to find a tablet for my fiance (this is normal...if I get something new, he wants one too...netbook, laptop, camera lmao) so he can stop insisting I let him use mine (he's more rough on his stuff, and Im the opposite being OCD on keeping things as mint as possible >_<). Now what Im looking for is this:
1) touchscreen
2) cheap as I possibly can (as I said, hes rough with things, and I dont want to spend too much on something he will throw as soon as hes frustrated >_<)
3) his only reason for wanting it: to play game must be able to play game apps decently

Pretty simple Im hoping...any advice anyone can give me I would gladly appreciate!
Thank you Spider, for the welcome and moving this to the correct spot for me *oops!*. Im a bit lost trying to navigate forums and the like so I appreciate it