New to Tablets - Kyros 7127 Questions


May 10, 2012
Okay, I'm new to the tablet world and have just purchased for my 7 yr old daughter a Coby Kyros 7127. I have some questions that Coby Tech Support has yet to answer (after a few days):

[FONT=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]1) Is there a way to modify the accesses individual apps have? For example, I’m not comfortable with some of the things the install says to allow: Full internet access, modify/delete SD card contents, and (I cannot find one with the specific wording, but) allowing the app to make purchases. It doesn’t appear that I can uncheck the boxes that are shown. Is there a way after downloading an app to put restrictions on? Or can you explain in non-tech terms examples of what these mean?

2) I purchased a Sandisk 32GB microSD; however, when I go to move app from the device to the SD card, it recognizes the 4GB internal card but not the 32GB card. When I look at the SD card settings in storage settings, it’s showing 29.71 GB total space and 29.71 available space.

3) Why can some apps/items not be moved to the SD card?

4) Is there a way to lock the settings so that my daughter cannot accidentally change something that she shouldn’t?

5) Is there a way to add contacts? I installed Text+ and when I tried to save myself as a contact, it says that it automatically recognizes from my device. However, I cannot find where to add them?

6) Any suggestions for a free text/phone app? Text+ was just one that I found that seemed to have okay ratings.

7) I see a lot about rooting, and being not so tech-savvy, am nervous about it. I saw that it can cause bricking and saw in this forum a number of posts about the 7127 bricking.

I would love any suggestions, etc that anyone might have. I have an iPhone so I'm somewhat familiar with Apple apps and the workings of my phone, but really do not want to screw up my daughter's tablet. It's going to be a gift for finishing the school year with all A's. :)

Thank you so much in advance!!

Hi there I'm new to this and I asked a question the other day but nothing yet about my tablet how do I get e-books downloads?

2) I purchased a Sandisk 32GB microSD; however, when I go to move app from the device to the SD card, it recognizes the 4GB internal card but not the 32GB card. When I look at the SD card settings in storage settings, it’s showing 29.71 GB total space and 29.71 available space.
This is normal, the 4GB is the internal memory on the tablet, this should actually be more than enough for most apps, however there is a workaround which requires rooting the tablet.
As far as the 29.71GB part goes, this has to do with the difference between "GigaBytes and GibiBytes"

3) Why can some apps/items not be moved to the SD card?
Some apps will only work from the core memory of the tablet

5) Is there a way to add contacts? I installed Text+ and when I tried to save myself as a contact, it says that it automatically recognizes from my device. However, I cannot find where to add them?
You may need to download and install contacts.apk

7) I see a lot about rooting, and being not so tech-savvy, am nervous about it. I saw that it can cause bricking and saw in this forum a number of posts about the 7127 bricking.
Be careful, do your homework, and decide if you really need the extra access before you root the tablet.

My best answers to the questions are in bold, sorry I couldn't answer all of them.
5) Is there a way to add contacts? I installed Text+ and when I tried to save myself as a contact, it says that it automatically recognizes from my device. However, I cannot find where to add them?
You may need to download and install contacts.apk

Where can I find this? I searched GetJar and Amazon Apps. I don't want to end up getting something that's going to mess things up...
