New to Tablets, New to Android, New to MID7022. Questions...


Oct 28, 2011
So I have three of these devices I am working on to set up for the kids for Christmas. I started early as I knew they would take some work and learning before I let them have them. I want to trick them out as far as I am able and will be slowly working myself through the various modifications found here and other places.

I guess my first question is if I am able to work one tablet to completion and then back up and flash the other tablets with the image. I suspect this is doable but I would rather ask now than find out later. Later is always the hard way.

Other thoughts I have are more or less what software and apps would be best for a tablet that will be used heavily for school and entertainment use. I expect my eldest will do more web and chat but the younger ones spend a lot of time on pbs and the like. And I want all three to be usable and accessible to mom and I.

I am off to a slow start but it is a start. The reading here is exhaustive and not always the easiest to decipher. I will get it. I hope you will help.

So I have three of these devices I am working on to set up for the kids for Christmas....

I guess my first question is if I am able to work one tablet to completion and then back up and flash the other tablets with the image. I suspect this is doable but I would rather ask now than find out later. Later is always the hard way.


As long as all three tablets are the same make and modle this should work.

Sent from my Xoom using Android Tablet Forum
Good to know. That makes things much simpler. Now I just have to get my sd cards in today and I can get to work.
OK, So the next in the round of questions.

I got the market working on the tablet (nice you tube video by daprospecta). I am, however, baffled about the three download notices in the top left that did not finish or stalled. How do I terminate or delete these to get the items gone?

I am loving this tablet so far. Netflix does a nice job and I am enjoying the Opera browser in place of "Browser".

Will I need to root the tablet to uninstall or delete the original browser or other items that came with the tablet that I don't feel I need?

And how do I get aldiko to read books from the microSD card?