New to the Android Scene


Feb 14, 2014
Hello everyone and thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to read this. I'm new to the whole android scene, after coming off a stint of 3 years in the idevice world. I have a Coby Kyros MID9742 from way back in 2012. Recently I was looking for how to root it, because lets face it default is never that great... Anyway, I googled it, and found what seemed to be the easiest (hey, there's a video on it). What it told me to do was use LiveSuit, which I did. Not knowing anything about this world, I seemed to have messed up my device. It works and all, but its like I traded down. The responsiveness increased however I loss access to my camera and other features (play store, all my previous data). Anyway, when I go to device info it says its model is "GT-P6210", which I'm pretty sure it didn't say that before especially since it says model "MID9742" on the back. A little more digging and I found the Mobuiz v2 on this site. It seems to be approiate from what other posts say about it, so I tried to install. Nothing. Couldn't get it to work. Any help? (btw I've already posted on a thread that someone ran in to a similar issue "")


Fixed most of my original issues through the use of search and reading almost every post I could on here about my device. The only issue I'm having right now is the inverted axis and not actually being able to get on the play store. I think I've found a post to fix the inverted axis, but not sure at the moment. Any help is appreciated.

Screen issues have been resovled through sheer luck (not really) and reading posts that vampirefo. amd Traveller1701 have made with others. Thanks for all the help.
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Hi Beastss, congratulations on your Coby 9742 and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you as a member of Android Tablets. I'm moving your thread to the Coby Generation 3 forum for you, where you're more likely to get help for that tablet. Good luck!
If anyone has any questions, just let me know. I am like an open typing book...

Btw I have CWM recovery menu working, but beyond that nothing seems to change the firmware. Whatever ROM I load in to it doesn't apply any changes. It either hangs at the Android screen or won't load at all until I reboot from factory...