New to the Forum


Oct 26, 2012
Hey Androiders....

newbie here to the forum, had Android smartphones since the first Motorola Droid and now im still rocking my Thunderbolt 4GLTE.

just picked up a couple of cheap tablets off ebay. figured id start on the cheap side before i buy the goods, so if i kill it i wont feel to bad.

any ways they are both MID M9000 ...... not very quick nor very powerful but i think a good beginner tablet.

only i noticed that they are the same exact tablets as other brand named ones such as colby, Superpad, etc.... what gives?

ontop of that i cant find any sites for software or ROM help anywhere. im hoping i can learn here what i need to so i can better understand the tablet better


Hi Deeztha, congratulations on your new MID M9000 and welcome to the forum. Unfortunately, there isn't a forum specifically for your tablet. If/when you have a problem or a question, the Android Tablet Q&A section would be the place to go. Just click that link and you'll be there.