New to the Tablet World


Nov 24, 2012
Hello everyone. I am new to the tablet world and joined this forum to get the most out of the tablet. I have four kids and did not find it feasible to pay the price for the higher end tablets when there is always that chance of the unit getting broken. And of course in our house if you buy one you must buy 4 unless you want to hear the constant fighting over it. So I ordered 4 Double Power T-711 with WiFi 7" Capacitive Touchscreen Tablet PC Featuring Android 4.0 Operating System. I have heard from friends that bought these lower end tablets that they were great once they "Rooted" into them and made it what they wanted. This will be a learning experience for me as I am unfamiliar with tablets. So my hope is to utilize this forum to learn everything I can. Just waiting on the tablets to arrive so I can start getting them all set up for Christmas.
Hello dnrober, welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. While you're waiting for those tablets, I'd suggest you click this link to the Android Tablet Q&A section. Read the "Sticky:" threads at the beginning for some good general information about tablets and Android. Enjoy the tablets and the forum!
Welcome to the site and good luck with getting the tabs set up.