New to VTAB and Frastrauted!!! Help


May 30, 2012
I bought a second hand vtab1008. I thought it was a good deal see that everything looked ok. I am having a couple of problems.

1. How can I connect this stupid thing to my computer? Nothing, Nada, Zip.

2. I have a SD Card. How can I view my files. I had music saved on there, so I can listen to them. On my phone it is easy.

3. How can I upload music and movies on this thing for my kids. I want to be able to download movies so they can watch them at a latter date.

I don't have the interent on this thing. I don't have any hot spots close to me, so wiifi is not happening right now. Please, can some one help me?


To Answer one of my own questions. . . concerning the SD Card. I bought a new card, and went to the music, and my music files opened up just fine. Know I am trying to figure out how to rip my son's favorite movies so I can upload them to vtab. I must admit, I kinda like this thing! :) Maybe I didn't make a bad decision after all.

To Answer one of my own questions. . . concerning the SD Card. I bought a new card, and went to the music, and my music files opened up just fine. Know I am trying to figure out how to rip my son's favorite movies so I can upload them to vtab. I must admit, I kinda like this thing! :) Maybe I didn't make a bad decision after all.


There is an excellent program from DVDCatalyst, that will rip just about any DVD you throw at it. It's $10 but very well spent. There are tons of tablet optimized settings for every quality and resultant file size you could want. Home of DVD Catalyst 4 - convert fast and easy AVI DVD MKV to Bionic Droid iPad3 iPhone4 iPod Touch4 Iconica Innotab Galaxy Tab Nabi Playbook Transformer Prime Thrive Vita Xoom XyBoard and more You can also check the forum home page for PAVtube, a forum sponsor. They have a number of movie utilities.
You should be able to connect the VTAB to your PC using a regular USB cable. There are several entries in this forum that describe how to do that with a Windows PC. Once connected, you can transfer almost anything you want to the VTAB. If you have a home network, you should be able to get a wireless router that your VTAB will connect with. You don't need an external hot spot.

Here is the way to get the USB to work that I've posted several times...

From Vizio tech William:

We'll need to manually install the driver for the tablet. Please follow these steps.
>Plug in the tablet to the USB port on your computer and the micro USB port on the tablet.
>On your computer, Click on START, then on COMPUTER
>Click on Device Manager
>You should see the following: Other Devices VTAB1008
>Double click on VTAB1008 with the yellow exclamation point. The box below will pop up
>Click on Update Driver
>Next click on “Browse my computer for driver software”
>Next, click on “Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer”
>Scroll down on the left window until you get to Portable Devices, highlight it and click next.
>Click once on Standard MTP Device and the right window will populate. Next click on MTP USB
Device and click on NEXT (MTP stands for Media Transfer Protocol)
>Click YES to the Update Driver Warning
>When completed, you will be told that Windows has successfully updated the driver.
>Click on Close and you should be returned to Device Manager and now the VTAB1008 will
appear under Portable Devices.
>Your computer will likely now pop up with a new drive detected, just as it would if you plugged
in a USB Flash drive. Click on “Open device to view files”

Works as-is for Windows 7. for earlier versions you'll need to try one of the generic MTP drivers in the list
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Get ES File Explorer (free). I find it a required app (get ES Task Mgr too while your at it). You may find my post about SD cards under GB and HC as well as one I referred to in a blog helpful when it comes to finding files on a memory card.

I recently bought a 32GB microSD card with an adapter for ~$20 at Fry's. I found it easier & faster to move the microSD back and forth than to push files over USB. It still boggles my mind that a sliver of silicon the size of a fingernail can hold 32 and even 64GB of data....!

For ripping DVDs and converting formats, I like DVDFab. It can rip DVDs and also convert video from one format to another and has a batch queuing feature for the latter function that's really handy. I ripped a bunch of movies and converted them to 1100bps/1GB H.264-codec MP4 files (about 25% original size) and they looked great on the vtab as well as a laptop.
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