New Vizio Tablet user and new to Android


Nov 15, 2011
Been reading the forum over and over trying to learn a bit. My mind is overloaded with OS's since I use Windows 7 on my laptop and iOS5 on my phone and now Android on my tablet. I have a few questions that I have not seen or I just overlooked so sorry in advance if I overlap some. I will not take it wrong if someone provides a link to a relavent conversation. Plus if its wrong to ask more than one question I have no problem starting another thread.

1: Can I move the icons around on the home page?

2: When I down load a book in the Nook app can I save the book to the SD card. I know I can not send the app but from what I understand I can save data ie books, music and movies/pics to the SD card.

3: Last my video play back has been low quality does the tab use a lower setting when the wifi connection is slow? My play back in MLB at Bat is not very good compared to my iPhone?

Overall I really like this tab it does what I want it to do, surf the web and read books mostly. I was originally going to get a Kindle Fire but I saw the Vizio for $194 at Sams and said what the heck, plus I liked the HDMI output and bluetooth connection and I have a few Vizio TV's I really like. I know the storage is small but I am not an app guy I have had my iPhone for over a year and still have 5 GB from an 6 GB phone(6 for the user). Plus something tells me that the SD card issue will be resolved it seems Vizio has updated the Tab a few times so they seem to be trying to improve it. Thanks all in advance I am trying to learn android and the tab and appreciate all who post here.

Kind Regards Jim
You Tube does not look HD neither does MLB videos, but Hulu looks really good? My connection speed is DSL that runs between 3.5 to 6 MPS download and 400 to 512 kps upload(ATT).

Thanks Jim
youtube depends greatly on the video. Try the youtube site in Opera Mobile (or other alternative browser) with the user agent set to desktop. That may help with other sites. The default browser may only be getting the mobile version of online videos.
Many thanks I will try that.

Now my next question, the SD card I know I can not move apps but thats not a big problem since I'm not an app guy. But how do I move data ie books and movie/music files. For me this is wht I will be storing the most of. Right now I am trying to move the books I have in Nook reader to the SD card. Unlike others I am not really up enough to root my VTAB and not sure I want to, I can only see myself downloading 4 or 5 more apps(copies of the ones on my iPhone) but I can see myself with several books and music files and the occasional movie.

Again thanks Jim

Sorry I am really a Noob with Android and tablets. I just finished after a year learning iOS and Windows 7 after years of only using XP.
Oh OK so it is dependent on the app. Do you know if the Kindle app lets you pic where the files will go. Plus the VTAB's music app will it let me send Music to the SD card, or can I just load my SD card from my computer and then access it on my tablet? Heck I really just need to try I guess. But to be honest for the first time I feel really out of place my mind is overloaded. I do want to thank you for your time thought you have been very helpful!

I think I remember Nook having a cloud service I need to look into that to to see if I can store my books in the cloud. I guess Nook defaults to the internal SD card memory?

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Kindle uses the storage at /sdcard also, which is the internal storage. It also has no setting to change this. Both Kindle and Nook do keep track of your purchases and allow you to archive them and re-download them at will. Obviously you need a WiFi connection to do this.

If you have non-drmed books you can use a reader from the market for those. I like FBReader and it has settings to choose your library folder.

BTW - mots books are small. I have eight books in my Nook folder (one is actually a six book collection all-in-one, and there is a version of the King James Bible) and it takes up 20 MB, my Kindle directory is 16 MB for 13 books, so you can see that books don't eat space.