
Apr 6, 2011
Hi all, I have been searching since Thursday no luck. I hope someone can send me in the correct direction or answer my question.
So to start Thank you all in advance for being paitence with this noob.
I am having wifi issues. I have 2 GTABs 1 newer with the 4349? and it is fine running stock TapnTap. The other is older running Vegan 7.?, 3588 1.1 bootloader. This one was working fine till Fri a.m. Now it looks for the wifi, starts to connect and then says disabled. I have tried resetting up my home wifi, resetting rom, factory reset, nothing at this point helps. I was going to try a new ROM but if I remember correctly you should have a good wifi before starting the procedure. Any help at all on this issue will be very helpful. I have seen posts that there maybe an update to Vegan, would this cause this issue? Have posted on XDA no response as of yet
Please help as I happen to be very good at bricking my Gtab. As you can tell I am a noob, with just enough knowledge to get myself into trouble. Thank you all for your help in the past, present and future.
Thank you all again Jaye :confused:
Thank you so much, yep tried that also
any other suggetions I will take and try