
Dec 2, 2011
Hey :)

New to the forum.. Joined to ask questions, get answers and opinions about my tablet i have received.
I have a Coby Kyros 7012. This is my first tablet, it wont be my last. Honestly dont know if im disappointed with it, but with all the hype over the Blackberry and Samsung tablets I kind of expected more. I know you really cant compare a $100 tab vs a $400 tab.. Im pretty much doing the same exact stuff i do on my HTC Evo.. I really do enjoy it because the screen is slightly (LOL because it looks like an Evo on a small dose of steroids) and i will be able to read books once i get around to getting some. Anyways I have a bunch of questions about this tablet and others im going to make a separate thread for.
Thanks for reading and hope to learn a bunch on here!

ETC: I just reread my post and need to clarify.. With all the hype over the higher end tablets and getting to mess with them a little, I didnt expect the 7012 to be up to those standards, but a little higher then it actually is... if that make any sense.. lol
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Hi Mami, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you here at Android Tablets as a member. Whenever you're ready to "ask questions, get answers and opinions" just click this link to the Coby Tablets section. Enjoy that tablet!
Thanks, i already posted my thread a few minutes ago in the questions section i think before i saw your reply.