newbee with big ideas


May 20, 2011
question 1
I have just recently acquired a 7" tablet for my wife for mothers day so far she loves it but we are having trouble down loading from a SD card to her tablet our computers are running windows 7. the tablet can see the mp3's but will not copy to the tablet.
we have been emailing then down loading. Seems to work but it's very slow. do I need to format the sd card to android ?

Question 2
As in my Title and my profile i have big ideas and it gets me into trouble at times.
to the point I have acquired a new Par cash registrar this has a 12" touch screen and I would like to incorporate this into the dash of a custom truck I'm building, this is what I want it to do monitor the engine performance, FM radio, Mp3 playing, Mp4 playing, Gps, In a way a server. I can get the GPS USB and antenna. and I can get a OSB II adapter and software, (dos, windows, I think linux)along with the FM adapter, although this could be by passed buy using the aux input of my Pioneer stereo. this would alleviate the need for a massive sound card( maybe not I still may need the audio out put any way).
I know new cars have similar system personally I want to get a way from MS, and android looks like the way to go. Any feed back welcome But please be as specific s you can as I will be too and don't be a A** hole and deeming I detest little people who think they are better than I.
If I'm wrong in my idea cool, if there is a possibility this may work? lets work it out. it could work out for others also.
what kind of tablet did you get your wife? that is always a helpful place to start in dealing with those issues. is the SDCard formatted FAT32? that helps as well. finally, you need to specific to your music player where your music files are. the default android player looks internally, but you can have music on an SD Card and have it work. there is a player called MortPlayer that is free that you might want to try to see if it will play off your SD Card.

as far as #2, there are several different people here that have been doing similar projects, and yes it can be done. check out this thread: for a discussion on apps and hardware. It is a place to start.

Other than that, welcome to the Forum, glad to have you here!
This is very interesting, I will try to keep tabs on this.
A little back ground, I have attended ITT, divorce made me drop out. microwave communications military. all this is 70's and 80's knowledge.
I'm an I-Car certified Frame man, ASE trained mechanic, Partsman both in Napa aftermarket parts and Dealer ship Partsman, Dodge, Plymouth, Chrysler, Toyota and Mitsubishi.
I can build some interfaces but as for software I will leave that, for now with my children, and the younger generations, for now.
I love working outside of the box. main reason I'm dyslexic, and I have ADD. never could find the dang box.
My health ,Back injury working to much with my body not enough with my head, has caused me to look for other ways of being creative.