Newbie & looking for a recommendation


May 16, 2013
Hi, new guy here.
I'm a brit living in Spain. I already have a 10 inch GTab2, but I'm looking for a smaller "car tablet", mainly for GPS and running Google Translate (yup, I don't speak very good spanish). So, is there anywhere a breakdown of tablets by their capabilities, or failing that what would people recommend?
I'm looking for dual CPU, 1GB, 8GB, GPS, BT and a 7 inch display. No 3G needed - what have you got that you'd be happy to buy again?

Hi Pete, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. The best place on the forum for "shopping" information and recommendations is the Android Tablet Discussions section. I'm going to move your thread over there for you so folks can discuss your tablet requirements with you and hopefully make some suggestions. Good luck on your search for the perfect "car tablet"!