Newbie UK


Nov 23, 2011
Hi All

Newbie here, virgin to the android world but hoping that the good old power of the techie brilliance of forum's will rejuvinate my desires to explore the new world I've opened up! Having some nightmare issues at the moment (totally not the experience I've had using fruit based brand item) but hopefully with help from the guys here I'll make it through!


Hi J, glad you decided to become a member of Android Tablets. Nice to have you with us here in the forum. I'm pretty sure we'll be able to help you conquer the "fruit withdrawal" you're experiencing and find your way around that new world. If you don't already have an Android tablet, you'll probably want to start off by clicking this link to the Android Tablet Discussions section. That's the best place for "shopping" advice regarding a new tablet. When you get there, read the "Stickys" and look through the threads already posted there. If you have a question while reading a post, reply to the thread. If you have a question that's not being discussed, use the search box in the upper left corner of every forum page to find what you're looking for. If you can't find a post discussing your question, post a new thread. If you encounter a post you feel should be reported as a violation of the rules of the forum, there's a little triangle at the bottom of each post box that you can click to do that. There's also a little thumbs up symbol in each post box that you can click to thank someone who's been particularly helpful. Most important, have fun!:cool: