- Jan 5, 2011
- 2,205
- 131

The latest comScore market data has been released, and it still shows Android in a commanding lead as of April, since January. RIM's marketshare is being eroded by Android, and a little bit from iOS. Android's share of the market jumped another 5.2 percentage points to 36.4%, while Apple's OS rose a scant 1.3% to 26%. Both were at the expense of RIM, whose share from January dropped 4.7 points, and is hovering at 25.7%. Microsoft and Palm "bring up the rear", and both also had a small drop since then. Microsoft lost 1.3 points to stop at 6.7%, and Palm dropped a miniscule 0.6 percent to 3.2 of the total market. Hit the source link below for more data. The picture above isn't actually of the comScore data, but it was rather eye-catching.
Source: prnewswire.com - comScore Mobile Subscriber Market Share for April 2011
Picture Source: BGR