Nexus 7, Video to TV?


Nov 22, 2012
I am contemplating a Nexus 7, but at Microcenter a guy gave me a demonstration of Apple TV with the iPad mini. I kinda liked it because I would like the option of connecting to any TV in the house. Are there hardware devices that will do this with a Nexus?


Published on Nov 25, 2012 We, ENOX Holding, Hamburg, Germany, who are in Exclusive Charge of the Distribution of this TENA S+ Product-type, which will be marketed in Europe under ENOX/Enjoy Life Brand, Model No TSR-100; TV Smartphone WiFi Receiver.

Actually, it is a WiFi Receiver, with Micro Electronics, in form of a Stick, which plugs into the HDMI Input of any TV. And, through this Receiver, Videos, Films, Photos and Files can cordlessly be transmitted from any Smartphone or Tablet -- iPhone, iPad and Android Products -- to any TV, with Real Time Effect for Photos and Files and a Slight Delay for Videos and Films, not through the Receiver, but through the Smartphone.

RRP in EU 99,00 EUR.

This Brand New Product-type, the first of its kind World-wide, does open up Immense Possibilities not only for Consumers Entertainment, but, also and no less, for different kinds of Professional Use; Presentations, Demos, Education etc.

Interested European Parties and Potential European Buyers are kindly advised to contact: Ole Anton Bieltvedt, Óli Anton Bieltvedt or Maike Luett
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Those devices sound nice, though the second one doesn't seem available in the US. I have alse heard that there are apps if one wanted to use Apple TV with an Android device. Any experience with that?