No Flash for Android 4.0 'Ice Cream Sandwich' just yet


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
By Adrian Kingsley-Hughes | November 21, 2011, 3:30am PST
Summary: Is no-Flash in ‘Ice Cream Sandwich’ a deal-breaker?

If you’re planning to grab a new Galaxy Nexus complete with the new Android 4.0 ‘Ice Cream Sandwich’ then expect an Apple iOS-like experience as it will release without Flash support.
SlashGear has confirmation from Google that ‘Ice Cream Sandwich’ (ICS) will be Flash-less for the time being, but Google is passing the buck onto Adobe:
“Flash hasn’t been released for ICS yet so as far as we know, Adobe will support Flash for ICS.”
Notice two things in that statement:

  • No firm commitment that Adobe is on-board
  • No date
Adobe pulled the plug on any future development for Flash on mobile platforms earlier this month, signaling the company’s move to HTML5 and its AIR platform. Flash on mobile platforms seems like the latest technology to bite the dust as a result of Apple’s iOS platform.

[UPDATE: It seems that Adobe has broken its silence:
'Adobe will release one more version of the Flash Player for mobile browsing, which will provide support for Android 4.0, and one more release of the Flash Linux Porting Kit - both expected to be released before the end of this year.'
So, one more and you're done.]
Will the current lack of Flash support in ’Ice Cream Sandwich’ make you think twice about picking up a device running the OS, or is no-Flash no longer a deal-breaker?
does "4.0" mean that it won't work with "4.03" ? many sites seem to be flash based IMO so i think the need for flash support will remain for some time. things don't change overnight.
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Flash works in 4.0.3 and 4.0.4 so far. Adobe is still updating Flash for 4.X so far. Not sure how far into 4.X it will continue to support.