'No, I said...' New Google Now Feature Let's You Try Your Voice Command Again


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

Google Now is currently the smartest and most responsive voice activated software on the planet, but that doesn't mean it is flawless yet. It still has some learning to do before it can evolve to a higher level of intelligence and take over the world. In the mean-time, on the rare occasions when it doesn't quite get things right, the Google engineers gave it a new feature which gives it another chance to do better.

Now, Google Now lets you say "No, I said... XXXXX" to try again. You simply need to restate what you were trying to do or search for after saying that "No, I said... " line. This word correction feature isn't the only new trick taught to this not-so-old dog. Google Now also lets you...

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