No Jelly Bean


May 14, 2011
An Android blog here in Germany reports that Acer UK has stated that the A500, A100, and A200 will not be getting Jelly Bean. What a disappointment. I'd hoped an upgrade would fix the sleep of death bug. I might have to start looking at rooting and other builds. Doesn't have to be Jelly Bean, ICS works for me, but I would like to get rid of that bug.
Well now, that's the worst news I heard so far today. I did some searching and it's the same here in the U.S. No Jelly Bean for my A500. BUMMER! :mad: I am very happy with ICS on mine though. No sleep of death bug and it's running great, but I was looking forward to Jelly Bean. I bet my Samsung Galaxy 7.0 Plus won't be getting it either. Oh well, I'll just have to upgrade to one with quad core and Jelly Bean some day. At this point, I'm still more than happy with the two I have, and if I get brave some day, I might try custom roms.
Read the article this afternoon. Bummer. I can't image it's that much work to upgrade ICS to JB....oh well SGS3 will get it and the extra features with JB don't really add anything to the tablet. Still works great for videos, web, comics etc. Still don't see a need to upgrade anytime. Sort of want to get a Nexus 7, but don't see the point when I've got a 5" phone and a 10" tablet.
Well ACER has just lost me.

No wonder Apple does so well. But I won't by an iPad. We should make this a really hot post - maybe ACER will wake up.
I did a search after my last post and am very pleased to find out that my Samsung Galaxy Plus will be receiving the update to Jelly Bean. It isn't the oldest version of the SG 7, but it isn't the newest version either. If they can do it, so can Acer. Nice going, Sammy! I really do like my Acer A500, but I'm thinking it will be the last Acer tablet I buy because of this decision.
As long as the OS doesn't get all bloated, they should be able to keep updating forever. Even Windows stopped some of the bloat with win7 and now even win8 can run on really "low end" machines like formerly Android powered machines (win8rt).

Yes I think it is a mistake to not update all tablets that meet the 1GB of ram "requirement" and I believe it is Google's desire to see everything kept up to date but look at how well the manufacturers keep the phones updated. We'll have to see how well Google keeps "their" devices updated, rumor is that they (Google) are going to partner with Samsung for a 10 inch tablet.
Being the A500 & A100 aren't even listed on the Acer site, I guess we can assume they've been discontinued. I wonder how much longer they'll support them otherwise.
Maybe another year or so. But seeing the option for a full size USB is gone, the new models don't have them, I might go for a Samsung, or an ASUS instead.
Acer list me when they did not fix the accelerometer bug in ICS. But not having the full usb or is another blow. I love using a micro-SD card in a tiny usb reader, the smallest thumb drive you can find, very unobtrusive.
There is an adapter cable supplied with the new models but that just means another cable to carry around - or lose - I'm just not chuffed with the idea. I carry too many cables as it is. So I'll be looking at my options when I finally upgrade.
Well ACER has just lost me.

No wonder Apple does so well. But I won't by an iPad. We should make this a really hot post - maybe ACER will wake up.

My 8 month old A500 is not going to be upgraded. Ok .. so lets figure this out. It means that Acer made a decision, more than likely financially motivated to not create an upgrade path for a model approx 1 year old. This message is very clear and I would suggest that this will be the norm for all of acers future tablets and possible computers. I will be selling my Acer and purchasing a Samsung ASAP as they have committed to keeping an upgrade path for sometime longer than our friends at Acer.It is unfortunate since there are several ROMS out there now that have been developed for those that want to root and load. This tells me that there is not a lot of difficulty in creating the update ... it is just that they have decided the product life cycle is only a few months old and they hope that the public will purchase a newer model. Not good.
Bye Acer it was nice while it lasted ... and I am sure I am not the only user that will be doing something similar.
I guess I have to reply. I had an iPod and decided to buy a tablet. The iPad was expensive compared to the Acer A500. I started to see why the day I bought it. Not near as responsive as the iPod Touch and the screen was nowhere close to the display on the Touch. For Acer to not support a tablet this new is a marketing mistake for the long term. Acer would have been on my list for the next laptop that I would purchase but no more. There are too many competitive products out there that have a history of customer support. There us a good chance I will never purchase an Acer product again right or wrong because my perception is that I got burned on the A500.
I have an A500 & have been reasonably satisfied with it, but with Acer's lack of support for any further OS upgrades, they can scratch me off of their future customer list! Bye bye Acer.