No keyboard after root.


Apr 7, 2011
Hello All-

I recently purchased, updated, and rooted my Nook Color. I upgraded the ROM to 1.1 and followed the instructions on NookDevs.

Now I cannot get the keyboard to come up when I select any text field. When I go to settings> keyboard, I'm brought back to the home screen.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: I did go nuts installing apps from the Market. Is there anything know to cause this?
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I haven't tried to change or add from anything but the default one. The really odd part, to me, is that if I try to go to the keyboard settings, it kicks me back to home. That's when I figured I had a good problem.
I haven't tried to change or add from anything but the default one. The really odd part, to me, is that if I try to go to the keyboard settings, it kicks me back to home. That's when I figured I had a good problem.

The keyboard settings doesn't currently work on the NC; kicking you back to home is normal. The stock keyboard should work normally despite the keyboard setting issue.

-What else did you installed to your NC?
-What launcher are you running?
-Did b&n version did you root and what autonooter version did you use?
The keyboard settings doesn't currently work on the NC; kicking you back to home is normal. The stock keyboard should work normally despite the keyboard setting issue.

-What else did you installed to your NC?
-What launcher are you running?
-Did b&n version did you root and what autonooter version did you use?

Correct, you can't get to the keuboard through settings when launching the menu from home. You need to go to your apps then NookColor Tools>Choose Keyboard>Multi-touch or Gingerbread. To get gingerbread to work you need to reinstall the apk.
@rico2001- Correct on the keyboard settings not working. The other problem is that no keyboard comes up at all when it should. Basically, I haven't seen a keyboard since I rooted it. (sidenote: I tried to buy one from the market and couldn't because I couldn't enter payment info; I got a kick out of that one) Add to the the settings kickback thing, and I knew I had a problem.

Apps: I installed quite a few apps trying them out. I'll make a list and post them next.
Launcher: Going back and forth between the stock launcher and LauncherPro (free version)(softkeys also comes up in that menu)
Rooting: I upgraded the NC firmware to 1.1 prior to rooting and used the GMPOWER's auto nooter.

@J515OP- As I was typing a question about how to find the path you were talking about, I found it. :) Got the keyboard working!!

Thank you both for your help!!

So, is this something I did? A glitch?
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Sounds like a glitch. The default multi-touch keyborad shoud have worked but the gingerbread keyboard is a known issue.
I'll go through the repair process you linked to. Is there a known "good" one?

I believe the apk that comes with the autonooter is fine just doesn't install right in the setup. The thread covers how to fix it.
