No preloaded Google contacts and calendar!!!??How to install them??


Nov 27, 2011
Just got the Nextbook premium 8. real deception after finding out that there isnt the preloaded android market, nor the google contact and calendar app!
managed to install android market .... but can't find a way to install google contacts and apps.
can somebody help?
or suggest a 3rd party calendar/contacts app independent of the builtin ones? (all the ones i tried from android market require buildin calendar....)

thanks in advance!
Do a forum search on this. I'm on mt tab right now, so it is a pain to find the exact link for you.

I asked the EXACT same question. There is a solution to it.

It requires the google contact sync adapter and the google contacts apk.

If you find my thread it has a link with the right files.

BTW, it works, but its not pretty!
Found ur thread i have the sync adapter
So i need the apk for contacts and calendar
Anyone can help??:(

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