No Root priviledges afte CWM and update applied - sorry newbie again


Apr 22, 2011

Just worked up courage to put CWM on my gtab and was considering updating stock to vegan 5.1 but thought i would backup w Ti first. Sideloaded (right term?) 3.6.2 free version to try and loaded but then it said no root privileges, tried the busybox fix and still got error (as if tablet was not rooted).
CWM appears to work as I can boot into CWM so i dont think that s the issue
Does the backup from CWM do the same as Ti? Do I need Ti?
Any help would be appreciated (I did a search and nothing came up)
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CWM has the nanoid back up function, which will back up everything (rom, apps, data . . ). This allows us to switch from one rom to another quickly using its back-up and restore functions.

TB backs up app, data, system, system data, but not rom. We often use it before and after switching to a new rom to back up and restore apps and/or data.

You will need to install a custom rom in order to have the root privilege. Please read the stickies.
