No Signs of the Reader Hub on US Galaxy Tab?


Aug 2, 2010
I just purchased the Verizon Version of Samsung's Galaxy Tab, and as a long-time subscriber to numerous Zinio digital magazines am extremely disheartened to find that US versions of the Galaxy Tab do not include the Reader Hub or the Zinio app, nor are they even available for download.

Anyone know where to find it?
You ca do a google search and you will definitely find it. Try or -Unrelated, I flashed my Galaxy Tab from U.S. T Mobile with 2 european firmwares, one as base, the other as an update, and I have Reader Hub and working phone calls. The Reader Hub surprisingly works, but the Music Hub doesn't. No media Hub min euro firmware though. I installed the Reader Hub on my Tab before I had flashed it, but I got an error saying it wasn't available in my country. I hope now that I flashed new firmware on it, the Media Hub will still work.
On Friday i purchased a Tab form T-Mobile and there was not Readers' Hub there either. I am also disappointed.
I was also really disappointed... the eReader feature is one that I was really looking forward to. I put out two demo models for my job, a Sprint and Verizon one and neither of them had it. klown07, How did you flash your Tab with different firmwares?
You can find the info all over at xda forums. But I don't recommend it. You'll lose 3g and browser capabilities. Well, you can browse market and internet with only wifi. BUT, you can root your device with an app from market called z4root, then google for social hub, music hub, and reader hub, copy the apks to your /system/app folder with root explorer or whatever, then install them and viola, you got the apps.
I just got my tablet and boy do i love it! I too am very disappointed about not having the readers hub! I love the nook app, but i was hoping to get some newspapers and my favorite magazines on my tab, but i can't seem to find the readers hub! Or the social hub for that matter, although that is less important to me. Can someone give me a link to a website where i can download these apps?

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Android Tablet Forum
The new zinio app is available for Android now. I got it off the market and it works great on my tab.

Sent from my SPH-P100 using Android Tablet Forum