Nook 3G priced @ $169! "Simple Touch Reader" Announced


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Staff member
Jan 6, 2011

Barnes & Noble today unveiled a smaller, relatively inexpensive Nook e-reader.
Like the original Nook, the $139 "Simple Touch Reader" has a black-and-white screen for reading books. Unlike it, though, it's got a touch screen.

While that option starts nudging the e-reader closer to the tablet market, dominated at present by Apple's iPad, the new Nook doesn't have tablets' characteristic ability to run apps, something the company's Nook Color can handle. The Nook Color has a touch screen.

CEO William Lynch unveiled the new reader in New York today. For a blow-by-blow look, check CNET's live blog.

Customers can order the $139 device now, but it won't ship until June 10. Barnes & Noble also lowered the price of the original Nook to $119 and the Nook Color to $169. The original Nook previously cost $149 and the Nook Color $249. In comparison, the top rival, Amazon's Kindle, starts at $139.​

The new Nook is more compact than rivals and predecessors, with a 6-inch Pearl screen and no keyboard. The display's contrast is 50 percent better than the original Nook, the company said.​

The device itself is 35 percent lighter and 15 percent thinner than original Nook, and it's got a contoured back to try to make it more easily gripped.
Among other features:​

• A non-removable battery that lasts up to two months.
• Built-in Wi-Fi networking, but no 3G.
• Six fonts with seven sizes each for a more customized look.
• An 800MHz Texas Instruments OMAP 3 processor.​

I thought this article was worth noting in a new thread. Some different details than the Engadget psot including the processor. More importantly though according to this article B&N also announced the Nook Color price witll be reduced to $169!

For those keeping score this makes the B&N line up as follows:

Nook Color $169
Simple Touch Reader $139
Nook (original) $119

Not bad if true but I think this may be a misprint. Looks like it might be the Original Nook with 3G for $169.
This is it? Is this the big announcment of May 24? I doubt they would lower the price of the's probably a mistake.
It's the Nook 3g that is $169, not the Nook Color

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If you follow the link in the first post of this thread, you'll now find:

Corrected at 9:03 a.m. PT with accurate pricing. The original Nook 3G now costs $169, and the Nook Color price didn't change.
Of course it was too good to be true. I would change the thread title if I could since I didn't think it was right but only mods have the ability. Still good news for anybody looking for a dedicated ereader.
I guess that would depend on your perspective. If it were true, I threw away $80.00 by not waiting a couple weeks to get mine. :)

Or you could buy more nooks and cost average :)