Nook Color Charging Cable Exploded!


Jun 4, 2011
Daughter was charging her nook color last night and after about an hour heard a sharp cracking sound. When she looked at the nook she saw that the cable end had cracked open exposing the electronics inside. Found one small piece of the plastic on the carpet about 3 feet away. - No apparent damage to the nook and I called customer service this morning and they're sending a new cable free of charge. I asked the lady if she had heard of this happening before and she said she had not. Oh well, no harm done and new cable on the way. :)

Perhaps 'exploding' is too harsh of a term but it did shatter and my daughter heard it crack.
I hope yours is still usable, mine was. It'll take about 5 days to get the new one, and it would be nice to be able to charge your Nook while waiting for it. Naturally, I plugged the cable into the Nook and then the charger into an outlet. Since this happened, I'm real careful not to put any strain on that connector.
I looked around at some other USB cables I have and the only one that fits is from my cell phone. I used it this morning and it works but is much slower than the nook charger.
I'm surprised it worked at all. Legend has it that a USB port doesn't provide enough power to charge a Nook.
Now I understand. I guess that's why I don't like texting, It's too easy to leap to the wrong conclusions and make assumptions when you're not talking directly to someone.:)
Can that new cable be disconnected from the phone charger? If it can, and it's USB, it should plug right into the Nook charger.