Not exactly what do I want - but how do I find out?


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2011
I am interested in a new tablet. What I would like to know is how to find out which tablets will fill this requirement. I have apps on my phone that I would like the tablet to run, and cannot get them on the Coby 7024 even though the apps were running on a Froyo phone with almost the same configuration. Some are paid, and I would repurchase them for the tablet but Market doesn't even show them as available for the tablet. I tweaked to get market, but market says 7024 is TMO device. Apps in question do not need network/gps as I update them via wifi on the phone. They do have a link to register for a lifelist, but that can be done over wifi also. I also found the APK for one app that Market said would not run on Coby, and it does so there has to be some criteria for availability besides the apps requirements. How do I find this out?

I might need GPS, but I really would prefer wifi only. And I want a 7" tablet. I really like the size of the Coby. It should also charge via USB, and have a removable SD card, decent battery life and maybe have Market natively.

Does Market deal with non-carrier wifi only tablets?

I have a Coby 7120 tablet with WIFI and 2.3 OS. It comes with two app markets and I have downloaded SlideMe apps market. I have found that some of the apps on my phone, I can download from Amazon app market and they work very well. This tablet does not have GPS.
I've got Market on the 7024. Problem is the apps I want. I have Audubon Birds, Trees, Wildflowers, and there are new astronomy apps I want.
I have all these running on a Samsung phone, when I bought the apps I was using Froyo 2.2 same as the tablet. These apps are purchased, and I would have no problem buying them again for a tablet. I would like these apps on the larger tablet. Like I said, no problem if I need to buy again.

However, Market tells me they are NOT available for the tablet. I also have one app that I found the APK for, which Market in its wisdom says will not run on tablet. It runs just fine. Market is insisting that the Coby is a TMobile device.

Now I see ASUS is coming out with a tablet I like the looks of, and so is Google. If I do get a new tablet, I would still prefer wifi only and not deal with a carrier.