Not many apps available / barcode scanning / faint sound - new user - Help!


Apr 15, 2011
Hey all! Thanks for the great forum!

I just got my epad and am having some issues.... I read through the forums and there was a lot of talk about firmware upgrades and flashing but I think I have the latest firmware.

1) Many common apps aren't in the market. I can't find google maps etc.. and many others I have on my android phone. Is that because of the 2.2 version or is there something I have to do to see more apps?

2) I tried a couple barcode scanner apps and they don't work. They try but it's like the cam doesn't even see the code or isn't coming on. Is there some trick to getting the barcode scanner to work or a certain app I should be using? Is the camera capable of scanning?

3) I have almost no sound from my speakers. with everything on the highest settings and my ear right up to it I can hear it faintly. (The headphones work fine.) I saw something about a firmware upgrade that can increase sound but I think I have the most recent versions already. Any ideas?

I'd greatly appreciate some help! I searched the forums and couldn't find the answers and a lot of posts were for the earlier versions.

I have a:

Box says: Superpad III 2.2

From settings> about device:

Model #: disco

Android version: 2.2-20110316

Kernel version:
cao@cao-desktop #19

Build #: FR85B

It has 512 / 4gb

I'm trying to figure out if this unit is defective and needs to be returned or if I'm just missing something to get the apps, barcode and sound working.


Hi I am also a new user trying to determine if my SuperPad III is defective or not ready for prime time. My unit is the as yours. I have lots of sound from ear buds not much from speakers. WiFi is very weak but I have a very strong network. If I search Andriod Market for Skype it does not show although I know it is there. If I press Andriod update I get error 301 but I am sure Google has proper redirections address and woudl expect a response such as no update available not an error code. Also ethernet connection is very slow.
Hi I looked a little further and found a helpful tip here from a Maildrop whihc I did and more aps became available on the market.

If you're still missing apps in Market do the following:

- Connect at least once with Market & your account.
- Then go to settings => Applications => Manage Applications => All
- find Google Services Framework from the app list
- click on clear data + OK, then force stop
wait about 1 minute after you're back in.
Start Market again. (if it crashes, wait a bit and try again, it should go through ;) )

Then you should see more apps after that, like google maps, Skype & such.

I download Skype this way and it is working thanks to Maildrop
Yes, I rooted my unit with Tim's software and it is much better now! Louder sound, working youtube, apps in the market etc,,, Tim's firmware is a great improvement! Thanks Tim!

still no working barcode scanner app. Anyone have ideas on that?
sorry dude, when you say "i rooted my unit", you mean that you upgraded your firmware with the last uploaded in the firmware section (the tim's one, not the thechillhacker's one, right?). To do that, you have to install all the release between your fw (that is the same i have now on my superpad 2.2) or just installed the last one? doing that, i have to root the device with some apk as z4root, or the custom firmware il already rooted?
and no barcode scanner works for me too, nore the flashplayer or the youtube app (i hope to solve upgrading), and even if i tryed the method you posted here to "unlock" the android market and now i'm able to see a lot of hidden app like skype, i still can't download pay app (it only shows me the free apps even if i'm in italy, country where i should be able to see pay apps, or i'm wrong?)
thanx and sorry but i'm really newbie xD