Not quite a full fledged techie yet

Aug 18, 2012
Hello all. I'm new to the forums and found this site while seaching for a way to download flas player to my mom's POS (piece o s**t) Pandigital tablet. I decided to join because most of my IT knowlwdge is with desktop/laptop pcs. Mobile apps are extremely foriegn to me. Im in the market for a tablet but, I'm not sure what the least expensive FUNCTIONING WITHOUT ISSUES choice is and i really don't want to pay over $200 for one.

Any suggestions on the flash problem and/or the new tab reccommendation would be very helpfull.

P.S. please keep in mind that i don't fully know all the mobile app lingo lol.

Thank you,

Hi Rhonda, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. The best place on the forum for "shopping" information and recommendations is the Android Tablet Discussions section. I'm going to move your thread over there for you so folks can discuss your tablet requirements with you and hopefully make some suggestions. Good luck!

BTW To get familiar with "all the mobile app lingo", I'd suggest you click this link to the Android Tablet Q&A section. Read the "Sticky:" threads at the beginning for some good general information about tablets and Android.
Thank you!

I would also like to point out that I'm deathly TERRIFIED of spiders - taranchulas especially. So um yeah, just my luck a guy/girl named spider (With a huge, hairy, WALKING taranchula for their avatar) would respond to my android question post. Just so you know, I jumped back from the desk a few feet and screemed (waking the little ones) and darn near peed on myself lmao!

Never the less, thank you for the advice. I'll check out the forums and see what I can find : )
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View attachment 7828 Thank you for your reply Rhonda, sorry about waking the little ones. From what I've been led to believe by my friends in Texas, you're living in the wrong state if you're afraid of spiders.:rolleyes:
She is right should at least shave those legs of yours.....hairless spiders are less scary! :-D
Hey Rhonda,

The Nexus 7 by Google should definitely be in your consideration for tablets.

Pros:For $200 it will probably have far and away the best cpu/gpu combination with a quad core Tegra 3. It is a Google product supported by Google and will be getting all OS updates. (it is released with Jelly Bean) If you are going to be rooting/ROMing your tablet, it will have a very active development community with more options than the average tab in this price range.

Cons: It is only a 7 inch screen, it doesn't take a sd card, usb host through root only (I think, but am not 100% sure), camera isn't great.