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Staff member
Sep 24, 2010

I firmly believe that the Android OS as open source (sort of) is better, and the top-end Android Tablets are technologically superior.....but as much as we might not like to admit it, the 10,000 pound elephant in the room is Apple, Jobs and the iPad. If it wasn't SO good, SO sexy and SO amazing, we wouldn't all feel the need to compare our tablets to the iPad. Amazing what good marketing and a sexy look can do, making an overall inferior product have such an impact on modern society.

That all being said at least there is news coming from Cupertino watchers to let us all breathe a little easier. The scuttlebutt out there is that there will be NO iPhone 5 release until late summer at the earliest, and the press releases so far from Apple lead those in the know to expect a Software-only focus for the Apple WWDC this summer (one of the traditional release platforms for new hardware.

So, based on that info it is looking like a fall release before we see the new iOS and any new Apple Devices coming. Should be more than enough time for Google to get the bugs worked out and fully release Honeycomb to the Open Source community so we can get back to building ROMs that have all those iPad drones looking at our aTabs and secretly coveting them.

(sources: CNN, Jim Dalrymple. Photo Credit: Apple)
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from the competition you mean :D

but in terms of Android tablet market, the paper launch of the iPad 2 already is devastating Android tablet sales, with second-hand first-generation iPads threatening to follow the mid-range market.
And there won't be a real competition until the new generation Android tablets have software that is beautiful, fast, fun, and productive enough to compete with the iPad's software landscape. Yes, on the hardware side, iPad is the "overall inferior product", but it's the software that forms the larger part of user experience, I think.

Not having the OS open-sourced yet is a drawback for integration efforts, but it will be the application developers that will (or will not) make Android tabs overtake iOS in the longer run.
VHS also won out over Betamax, showing that it can be as much about the business end, as Beta was in some ways technically superior.
Yeah I know it's an old Chestnut but it's still a valid comparison.